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Ways to Increase Work Motivation that You Can Try During

Ways to Increase Work Motivation that You Can Try During WFH

2 min

How many months have you spent working from home (WFH)?

As we know, the current new normal era requires us to spend time working from home. Because of the internet and laptops, technically, this can be done very easily. Then, for some people, this WFH policy even has benefits because they don't need to waste a lot of energy to commute to the office or because they now have a lot of time to spend with their family.

However, for others, this policy has made their work performance worse. The reason is this change in their work environment can disrupt their motivation. However, it cannot be denied that working near a bed or TV is very difficult.

But, if you are one of those who experience this, there's no need to be confused anymore! With tips on increasing work motivation below, you can go through your work days enthusiastically, just like working in the office like before!

Don't believe it? Just take a look at the following working-from-home tips!

Create a Personal Workplace


As mentioned, being near a place where you rest or seek entertainment can disturb those of you looking for motivation to complete tasks. Therefore, the first way to increase work motivation is to create a workplace at home.


Also Read: You Can Try These Methods from Various Countries on How to Enjoy Coffee!


You don't need to spend much money to create this workplace! Just prepare enough money to buy a table and chair. If you still feel it's too expensive, consider purchasing these two pieces of furniture according to your budget .


However, if you're short on money at the moment, you can also sit at the dining table. As long as it's far from the TV or bed, you're safe!



Make a Clear Schedule


The WFH policy frees you up a bit from a busy and restrictive schedule. But, don't be happy just yet because a schedule can be a good thing and exactly what you need during this WFH period. If your days during WFH are not structured, you will have no direction, which can interfere with your motivation.


Therefore, a way to increase work motivation that you can use as a solution is to make a schedule. Make it as clear as possible by including a daily work hour on when you must do your work tasks.



Do the Eat the Frog Method


Technically, this method is not a way to increase work motivation but to adjust the level of work difficulty to your level of motivation. The eat the frog encourages you to complete the most difficult tasks first in the morning. So, the remaining work during the day will be easier, and you don't need very high work motivation.


But good does it do? First, you can make more optimal use of fluctuating work motivation. Then, there's no more forcing yourself to complete work until you burnout (physically and mentally tired).



Give Yourself a Gift


Even though the work schedule is more unstructured, most of us will still take a break or lunch break from noon in the middle of the day. Well, you can also take advantage of this opportunity as a way to increase work motivation.


After half a day in front of the laptop, try getting up from your chair, and eating your favorite meal or snack to reward your hard work. Besides that, you can also use this break time to relax while enjoying black coffee.


However, if you want to make black coffee, make sure the making process is not difficult. For example, you can try NESCAFÉ Classic made from 100% pure robusta picked directly from coffee plantations and processed using innovative methods.


In each packaging, whether it's a NESCAFÉ Classic sachet or a NESCAFÉ Classic Jar, you can enjoy instant black coffee powder that dissolves easily. So, you don't need to worry that your cup of black coffee will have dregs!


So, that was several tips on increasing work motivation while you're Working From Home (WFH). Before following the tips above, you must realize that working from home is not a short-distance race or sprint, but a marathon. This means ensuring that you work at a steady pace but can produce definite results instead of working hard but reducing work motivation.


Give it a try and hopefully it's useful for you!



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